THE GIANT IS GONE! H e was a little boy who was endowed with gracious potentials. These potentials were identified by his father who was his super-hero – his giant. His father was an epitome of strength, courage, wisdom, smartness and skill. His father was financially highly stable and commanded great respect in the corporate world and community where they lived due to his influential social standing and business acumen. He was not a pastor or mainstream Christian leader but his lifestyle was a good example of spiritual leadership and authority. His father, being a responsible parent, did everything possible to fend for his family. The only task and responsibility of Bobby was to go to school, study hard and get good results. This task, Bobby being fully aware of, worked hard. However, Bobby was oblivious of the engagements, communication and great networking that his father had garnered over the years that made him great. Not too long in the distant future, Mr. Nanu, Bobby’s fa...