things cannot happen and situations will definitely not change if we continue
to stay at the same place or location, and in the same situation, condition,
practices, lifestyle and conduct. You might be familiar with the famous “sheep
tied to tree” story. The story portrays a sheep that was tied with a rope to a
tree. When it was loosed from the rope after a period of time, the sheep stood
at the same place, being oblivious of its freedom and liberty. Like the
situation of the sheep, many people unfortunately, have become stagnant in
life. What then is the problem? It can be understood that first, some of the
people have their minds bound to the current circumstance. Second, they accept
the negative situation as reality and normal. Third, they feel comfortable in
the circumstance and their present environment. Fourth, they fear being
re-arrested by similar situations that might unleash deeper suffering and
punishment on them. Fifth, they fear conditions outside the present territory
would be more difficult than their present circumstance. From all these
perspectives, such people like the sheep, live in illusion of situation around
them. Self-deception is dangerous and deadly. It is not wise to over blow one’s
own potentials and opportunities, however, to under-estimate yourself is pre-requisite
to defeat in life. It is worse if the limitation is self-inflicted.
people have different perceptions about life. Some people believe that “life is struggles” so one must
struggle. This view makes life's struggles a normal episode in life. Whiles it
has soothing effect because the individual does not relent in life but rather
push on; it also has the potency to make an individual settle for less. Such an
individual becomes sluggish in pursuing a life that is struggle free. Some
people also believe “life is war”.
If it is, such people must fight their way through and out of everything. They
fight their way through jobs, relationships, family and marriage, business and
anything that will make life pleasant for them. Some people also have the
concept of “don’t worry, be happy.”
By this view, they always look for things that make them happy, but this can be
an illusion and an individual may be deceived to live in unachievable frenzy. Life
cannot always be about being happy. This article is intended to provoke anyone
who is dissatisfied with his current status; anyone who is struggling because a
coven of poverty and low life and anyone who intends to make positive impact on
the world. After reading, you should be ready to break free from the “business
as usual mentality” that only leads to defeat and misery in life.
who dare to challenge the status quo will set new records for others to
life is a mixture of everything. There are times one needs to struggle to step
out. There are moments to fight your way to step up and some moments
are so exciting to step in. A balance view of life yields success. Although it’s
important to hold a world view, being fixated about a particular world view
cages one’s mind and ability to step out, step up and step in. Several people,
due to various family, racial, religious inclination, level of education,
social status, and business and social experiences are boxed in some form of
cage. These background situations impose limitations on their abilities to step
out into lime light. Some people are kept in the dark of innovation and
development. They hold ideologies that are extremely restricting and inimical
to progress. Their potentials are inhibited. Such may be people that are
endowed with skills and talents that communities, countries and the world at
large require for progress and development. They hold the tool of change and
betterment of lives. They hold the keys to joy, happiness and prosperity of
themselves, their families and institutions. Unfortunately, their abilities and
capabilities are hidden by circumstances within their control and some beyond their
level of influence and ability.
some people are comfortable with mediocrity. They settle for less and are mean
in all their dispositions. First, this kind of predisposition is a sickening
mentality. The reasons for this are not farfetched. They might be exposed to an
environment that does not see the need to advance the situation of the society.
Some also have parents, mentors and friends that do not see the essence of
moving on to the next stage of life. They are full of negativity and speak evil
of everything that leads to progress in life. Some religious groups even
believe by advancing in life such believers cannot make it to heaven because
they will fall from God’s grace. Another challenge is that some people who fall
in this category lack the ability to see beyond what they see. They cannot
fathom that life, their businesses and institutions can be better than the
current situation they see. This thwarts their abilities to study hard and be
engaged in activities that has huge potential of bringing transformation and
change. They think negativity, see negativity and talk negativity, and
backwardness. To overcome such situations, one needs to be healed from such enigmatic
mindset. Next, they need to appreciate good and beautiful things. Also, they
need boldness to confront the status quo. Further, they need to align
themselves with people who are forward looking and are full of positivity. In
addition, such people need the Spirit of “positive craziness” to forge ahead of
life and any competition. Finally, they need to be pragmatic in their approach
to step out of any backward, negative, and delusionary mentality.
Those who accept
everything as normal in life cannot add value to or an inch to improve their
out is not a mere mouth talk. It calls for decisive and determined forward looking
steps. Being able to move ahead of others is not a repeated game concept. You
need to hold your dream of advancing in life so strong and firm in your mind. You
need to search out resources that will enable you escape the hard conditions of
poverty, nonentity and low life. You need to step out of any inhibiting hole
that cripples to ability to impact your world positively. Any employment in
life that devalues your life than advances it is not worth it. Get out of that
friendship and group before your life is torn apart. Don’t allow any
enslavement because of money, fame, recognition and popularity to incarcerate you
into the hard conditions of ‘Sobibo’. Step up your game now!
doors and opportunities are opened, one needs to step in. It should however not
be surprising that some people fail to step in at the right time in spite of
opportunities and open doors that surround them. Sometimes the failure on the
part of those who step in into opportunities because (1) they do not think it
is for them (2) they do not think they qualify (3) they think the class or
level is above them (4) they think they cannot make it (5) they think others
are better than them and deserves such opportunities and (6) they think there
is no one to help them through should they step in. Besides their mindset of
low self-esteem which serves as the main stumbling block, such persons are
sluggish and lazy in stepping into situations that can help to turn their lives
and families around. Until you seize the moment and step in into new situations
and challenges, your life will continue to be in circles. Challenges in terms
of financial constraints, employments, failed relationship, business collapse,
cheats from superiors, etc are constants in life. Only those who are able to
strategize will overcome such limiting situations. By the way, inventors and entrepreneurs
have always emerged from challenges and difficulties.
out, stepping up and stepping in come with cost. This should however not deter
anyone who seeks to push ahead for a successful and prosperous future. With
this mindset, the world is your village. You can do anything and everything
with ease. You can liberate your family, affect your community, transform and
impact your world, and beautify your life. What’s important is to hold your vision
firm in your heart and clear in your sight; look for information that liberates
from any cage and devise strategies to step out of any limiting circumstances.
You also need to recognize the potentials in you and seek ways to improve on your
abilities. It’s in your hands. You hold the key, you’ve got the power – step out,
step up and step in. Take action now!!!
Ernest Kwame Affum (Dr. EK)
Author, EKs Life Tunes
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