
Showing posts from March, 2024

Ghana's Independence and Our Religious Leadership

Ghana is 67 years post Independence. What can we show for it? What can we be proud of as a people? What steps are we taking to progress, prosperity and development? In the King James version of the Bible, Daniel 5:25 & 32 reads: "...till he knew that the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. Some people are of the view that politics is so dirty that it has nothing to do with God. And that religious leaders should not involve themselves in political discourses. Whilst this may be advisable, it is not an absolute truth because God has a direct say in the political discourse of every nation. Politics is about decision making to favour some people. Religious leaders, as members of the society, are also affected by such decisions. Moreso, they are God's representative here on earth. Religious leaders wield lots of influence in every jurisdiction. This is based on the referent or expert power they carry. Their level of influence goes bey...

Ghana's Independence and Our Political Leadership

The dream of a nation hangs on the decisions of it's political leaders and actors. The American dream, like the Chinese dream, is clearly articulated and lived by its political leaders. This way, the people have a sense of it and are clearly directed and guided by the dream of the nation. Their individual and collective aspirations are guided by the national dream. They simply live it! Politics is choices made in the interest of the people concerned. Political leadership is the outcome of political processes, which process starts with political system(s). Political system is the architecture that defines political persons, political thoughts, political activities, political institutions and political outcomes.  The nature of the society gives credence to the political architecture that births its outcomes. Through the society, what is politically acceptable and what's not are defined, whether in a pronounced manner or silent approach - social psychology.  In Ghana, the common ...