Ghana's Independence and Our Political Leadership

The dream of a nation hangs on the decisions of it's political leaders and actors. The American dream, like the Chinese dream, is clearly articulated and lived by its political leaders. This way, the people have a sense of it and are clearly directed and guided by the dream of the nation. Their individual and collective aspirations are guided by the national dream. They simply live it!

Politics is choices made in the interest of the people concerned.

Political leadership is the outcome of political processes, which process starts with political system(s). Political system is the architecture that defines political persons, political thoughts, political activities, political institutions and political outcomes. 

The nature of the society gives credence to the political architecture that births its outcomes. Through the society, what is politically acceptable and what's not are defined, whether in a pronounced manner or silent approach - social psychology. 

In Ghana, the common phrase: "our leaders (political) are corrupt" is said without careful consideration of who we are as a people. It is true that the back stops with the leaders, which is in line with the principle of ultimate responsibility. But who defines this responsibility in a democratic system? What does the definition: "Government by the people, to the people and for the people" mean? That's Universal Adult Suffrage. So we actually choose the leaders whether by fair or fowl means because these leaders are part of the society, and they're from amongst the people. If we therefore claim that these leaders are corrupt, it implies we, the people, are 'corruptier'. This is because these 'corrupt leaders' are a direct reflection of the society from which they come from.

So, @67, we have these 'corrupt leaders'. What sort of dream can they deliver to us? Do they even care about our dream? Or they are just as the famous "ankwanoma"? Do we the people concern ourselves with what dream should occupy our pursuits when we care more about destroying, demeaning and killing ourselves to select corrupt leaders? What hope can we instil in our rank and file to ensure we're living for something?

So, I asked, "What is the Ghanaian dream"? What do we live for as a people and are most passionate about?

#drek #theQuotist #ghana@67 #ghana'sindependence #article


  1. Flawless leadership cannot be selected by flawed people

    1. Exactly the point and I think this is the most challenging inhibiting factor that does not allow us to define and live our dream.


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