Pt. 1
There are different time zones that operate in
creation. The world is divided into different time zones that govern life in
general. However, there are two time dimensions that govern creation – God’s
time (spiritual/supernatural/eternal time) that operates on a different
pendulum and time that governs activities in the physical world (physical time).
To this end, spiritual time operates as “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one
thing, that one day is with the
Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” (2 Peter 3:8). Genesis
also gives the different segments of physical time (seasons): “While
the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter,
and day and night shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22). Although this
scripture somehow gives an idea that physical time has no end “shall not cease”,
physical time in fact has an end that depends on when God has put in His souvereign
plan. However there is no end to spiritual time (eternal).
Before Jacob died, he assembled his sons because he
had seen his imminent departure from this time zone (Genesis 49). Thus, Jacob
knew that his time to depart from the physical time zone was closer than he
could ever imagine and as a father and prophet, it was important to leave behind
spiritual blue print for his children and their generations. It’s important to
ask: If you are fully aware of the departure of your father, mother or close
relative who has some level of authority or influence over you, what would you
have loved they leave behind for you? The sons of Jacob were very expectant of
the father’s blessings that were to immediately set them out as beacons in
their world. Probably their father had told them of how his father (Isaac their
grandfather) released prophetic blessings upon him and his brother, Esau. However,
the intension of Jacob was very different from that of his father Isaac at the
time the later was about exiting the physical time zone. Isaac wanted to be
satisfied with good meat before releasing great blessings upon his first son,
Esau. Unlike Isaac, Jacob assembled all his sons, apparently his only daughter
seem to have been married away. Jacob avoided the problem of making some of his
sons jealous and envious by inviting only a few of them to receive his ‘supposed’
departure blessings. But contrary to the jubilation and ecstasy of congregating
to receive the father’s departing blessings, Jacob released the key to the
prophetic future of his sons – “…Gather yourselves together, that I may tell
you that which shall befall
you in the last days.” (Genesis
49:1). Although, major part of his prophecy looks like doom for them, it
was a key to increasing in wisdom, acquiring knowledge and strategizing to
overcome the “…which shall befall you in the last days.” Waoh…last days?
Nothing for the present!
In spite of whatever blessings, commendations, rebuke
or curse that was hailed on Jacob’s sons, they were to consider these issues in
a flash forward mode. That is, consider the pronouncement from future to
present. In essence, Jacob predicted that there is an end in view. The psalmist
in Psalm 90:12 captures it so well “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” This implies that once your future
is determined, you will be able to direct your ways to fit into the determined
future. Unfortunately, several people live in this world in a never-ending
mode. They are oblivious of a never-dying life in the spiritual time that
commences when this physical time truncates. If the World has a timetable, then
the world has an end to time upon which it operates. But living in an unending mode
is the greatest illusion of all time. Many people build their future on the
basis of family backgrounds and attainments, achievements in education and
career, social status, local and international recognitions, positions and
titles. Several people have unfortunately build their treasures and lives on
the foundations of their success, property, prosperity, wealth, fame, and popularity
but the experience of the well to do agricultural industrialist can help you to
reverse your thinking: “And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast
much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall
be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast
provided?” (Luke 12:19-20).
The world, as well as your life has a timetable. Your
end has already been determined “For all our days are passed away in thy
wrath: we spend our years as a tale that
is told. The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow;
for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” (Psalm 90:9). Be that as it
may, remember that even the 70 years (threescore years and ten: ((20*3) + 10))
which is a benchmark for the average person cannot be attained by most
individuals due to our lifestyles, respect/disregard for our parents and the elderly,
and accidents that happen around us. This means one cannot say with certainty that
s/he will live to 70 years and beyond.
What lessons can we glean from scriptures used above?
The Bible provides an answer in 2 Peter 3:11 “…what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,”
Like a student, you cannot be enrolled in an educational system forever. Even
if you fail or defer your course of study several times, there is a point in
time that you need to exit that system. You need to make way for others to be
enrolled. No student lives in an illusion that because of his level of
influence, the beauty of his school environment, effectiveness of the system
and the niceness of the people around, he will live in the school system
forever. When Lot’s wife connected herself to the fun, excitement, wealth and
recognition they had acquired in Sodom and Gomorrah, what was her end? If Job
had tied his life to his wealth, level of influence or his wife, what would
have been his end when everything was lost in a day? Why do you think you will
live forever? Why have you become so arrogant because of your position or level
of influence? Why do you look down on people because of your wealth and fame?
Remember, there is “To every thing there is
a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” (Ecclesiastes
3:1) an end determined for everything on earth. Indeed, the world has a timetable.
How do you know that the timetable of the world is ending?
Watch out for Part 2.
Author, EKs Life Tunes
scripture references are from the KJV version of the Bible. Leave your questions and comments below.
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